Results for 'Andrea L. Santiago'

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  1.  37
    Reaching Out to Survivors: Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines (A) and (B).Andrea L. Santiago & Fernando Y. Roxas - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:317-324.
    This case illustrates the dilemma facing a medium-sized family business, EMME Logistics and Security Agency that wanted to do more for the victims of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan. About a third of the company’s personnel had family in the hardest hit areas and were anxious to go to find out if their relatives had survived the wreckage caused by the strongest typhoon ever to hit landfall in the Phillipines. Committing the company’s resources to the relief operation would behampered by a (...)
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    The only ethical argument for positive δ? Partiality and pure time preference.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (9):2731-2750.
    I consider the plausibility of discounting for kinship, the view that a positive rate of pure intergenerational time preference is justifiable in terms of agent-relative moral reasons relating to partiality between generations. I respond to Parfit's objections to discounting for kinship, but then highlight a number of apparent limitations of this approach. I show that these limitations largely fall away when we reflect on social discounting in the context of decisions that concern the global community as a whole, such as (...)
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  3. Do evolutionary debunking arguments rest on a mistake about evolutionary explanations?Andreas L. Mogensen - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (7):1799-1817.
    Many moral philosophers accept the Debunking Thesis, according to which facts about natural selection provide debunking explanations for certain of our moral beliefs. I argue that philosophers who accept the Debunking Thesis beg important questions in the philosophy of biology. They assume that past selection can explain why you or I hold certain of the moral beliefs we do. A position advanced by many prominent philosophers of biology implies that this assumption is false. According to the Negative View, natural selection (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Moral demands and the far future.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (3):567-585.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)Contingency Anxiety and the Epistemology of Disagreement.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):590-611.
    Upon discovering that certain beliefs we hold are contingent on arbitrary features of our background, we often feel uneasy. I defend the proposal that if such cases ofcontingency anxietyinvolve defeaters, this is because of the epistemic significance of disagreement. I note two hurdles to our accepting thisDisagreement Hypothesis. Firstly, some cases of contingency anxiety apparently involve no disagreement. Secondly, the proposal may seem to make our awareness of the influence of arbitrary background factors irrelevant in determining whether to revise our (...)
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  6. Moral Testimony Pessimism and the Uncertain Value of Authenticity.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):261-284.
    Many philosophers believe that there exist distinctive obstacles to relying on moral testimony. In this paper, I criticize previous attempts to identify these obstacles and offer a new theory. I argue that the problems associated with moral deference can't be explained in terms of the value of moral understanding, nor in terms of aretaic considerations related to subjective integration. Instead, our uneasiness with moral testimony is best explained by our attachment to an ideal of authenticity that places special demands on (...)
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  7.  42
    The Conundrum of Oocyte Donation, Human Research, OHSS, and Ethics.Andrea L. Stein - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (9):35-37.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 9, Page 35-37, September 2011.
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  8. Is identity illusory?Andreas L. Mogensen - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):55-73.
    Certain of our traits are thought more central to who we are: they comprise ourindividual identity. What makes these traits privileged in this way? What accounts for theiridentity centrality? Although considerations of identity play a key role in many different areas of moral philosophy, I argue that we currently have no satisfactory account of the basis of identity centrality. Nor should we expect one. Rather, we should adopt an error theory: we should concede that there is nothing in reality corresponding (...)
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  9.  31
    Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot learners.Andrea L. Thomaz & Cynthia Breazeal - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (6-7):716-737.
  10.  38
    The Axes of Symmetry. Morphology in Aristotle’s Biology.Andrea L. Carbone - 2016 - Apeiron 49 (1):1-31.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  11. ¿Es la biología funcional eliminable?Andrea Olmos & Santiago Ginnobili - 2016 - Perspectivas 1 (2):69-100.
    RESUMEN Pocas polémicas en el ámbito de la filosofía de la biología han llevado tanto espacio como la que existen alrededor de la explicación funcional y del lenguaje funcional. Varios de los enfoques principales que han tratado de reconstruir este tipo de explicación y elucidar tal lenguaje, aunque fuertemente heterogéneos, comparten la idea de que el lenguaje funcional no es más que un modo de hablar del cual puede prescindirse, pues, asumen que el lenguaje funcional puede ser definido a partir (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Tough enough? Robust satisficing as a decision norm for long-term policy analysis.Andreas L. Mogensen & David Thorstad - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-26.
    This paper aims to open a dialogue between philosophers working in decision theory and operations researchers and engineers working on decision-making under deep uncertainty. Specifically, we assess the recommendation to follow a norm of robust satisficing when making decisions under deep uncertainty in the context of decision analyses that rely on the tools of Robust Decision-Making developed by Robert Lempert and colleagues at RAND. We discuss two challenges for robust satisficing: whether the norm might derive its plausibility from an implicit (...)
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  13.  96
    (1 other version)Respect for others' risk attitudes and the long‐run future.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):1017-1031.
    When our choice affects some other person and the outcome is unknown, it has been argued that we should defer to their risk attitude, if known, or else default to use of a risk‐avoidant risk function. This, in turn, has been claimed to require the use of a risk‐avoidant risk function when making decisions that primarily affect future people, and to decrease the desirability of efforts to prevent human extinction, owing to the significant risks associated with continued human survival. I (...)
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  14.  48
    (1 other version)Meaning, Medicine, and Merit.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (1):90-107.
    Given the inevitability of scarcity, should public institutions ration healthcare resources so as to prioritize those who contribute more to society? Intuitively, we may feel that this would be somehow inegalitarian. I argue that the egalitarian objection to prioritizing treatment on the basis of patients’ usefulness to others is best thought of as semiotic: i.e. as having to do with what this practice would mean, convey, or express about a person's standing. I explore the implications of this conclusion when taken (...)
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  15. Creatures of Habit: Self Reflexive Practices as an Ethical Pathway to Digital Literacy.Andrea L. Zellner & Leigh Graves Wolf - 2019 - In Kristen Hawley Turner, The ethics of digital literacy: developing knowledge and skills across grade levels. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Disagreements in Moral Intution as Defeaters.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (267):282-302.
    People may disagree about moral issues because they have fundamentally different intuitions. I argue that we ought to suspend judgement in such cases. Since we trust our own moral intuitions without positive evidence of their reliability, we must necessarily extend this trust to the moral intuitions of others: a fundamental self-other asymmetry in moral epistemology is untenable. This ensures that disagreements in moral intuition are defeating. In addition, I argue that brute conflicts in moral intuition require suspension of judgement only (...)
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  17. The immoral brain.Andrea L. Glenn & Adrian Raine - 2009 - In Jan Verplaetse, The moral brain: essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality. New York: Springer.
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  18.  45
    Distinguishing the roles of trait and state anxiety on the nature of anxiety-related attentional biases to threat using a free viewing eye movement paradigm.Andrea L. Nelson, Christine Purdon, Leanne Quigley, Jonathan Carriere & Daniel Smilek - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):504-526.
  19. Cristologia francescana.L. D'andrea - 1997 - Miscellanea Francescana 97 (1-2):265-274.
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    Consent for Deep Brain Stimulation in Depression: A Perspective From Investigators.Andrea L. Crowell & Patricio Riva-Posse - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):237-239.
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  21. Quelles sont les parties des animaux? Moriologie ancienne et moriologie contemporaine.Andrea L. Carbone - 2014 - In Cristina Cerami, Nature et sagesse: les rapports entre physique et metaphysique dans la tradition aristotelicienne: recueil de textes en hommage a Pierre Pellegrin. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
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    The Brave Officer Rides Again.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (2):315-329.
    According to the Psychological Account of personal identity, personal identity across time is maintained by some form of psychological overlap or continuance. I show that the Psychological Account has trouble accommodating cases of transient retrograde amnesia. In such cases, the transitivity of psychological continuity may break down. I consider various means of responding to this problem, arguing that the best available response will undercut our ability to rely on intuitions about brain transplantation to support the Psychological Account. When the Psychological (...)
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  23.  19
    The Embryo as Patient.Andrea L. Bonnicksen - 1991 - In James M. Humber & Robert F. Almeder, Bioethics and the Fetus. Humana Press. pp. 145--170.
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    Spatial But Not Oculomotor Information Biases Perceptual Memory: Evidence From Face Perception and Cognitive Modeling.Andrea L. Wantz, Janek S. Lobmaier, Fred W. Mast & Walter Senn - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1533-1554.
    Recent research put forward the hypothesis that eye movements are integrated in memory representations and are reactivated when later recalled. However, “looking back to nothing” during recall might be a consequence of spatial memory retrieval. Here, we aimed at distinguishing between the effect of spatial and oculomotor information on perceptual memory. Participants’ task was to judge whether a morph looked rather like the first or second previously presented face. Crucially, faces and morphs were presented in a way that the morph (...)
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  25. La sensazione come tratto distintivo dell'animale nella zoologia aristotelica.Andrea L. Carbone - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (8):95-112.
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    Moral identity in psychopathy.Andrea L. Glenn, Spassena Koleva, Ravi Iyer, Jesse Graham & Peter H. Ditto - 2010 - Judgment and Decision Making 5 (7):497–505.
    Several scholars have recognized the limitations of theories of moral reasoning in explaining moral behavior. They have argued that moral behavior may also be influenced by moral identity, or how central morality is to one’s sense of self. This idea has been supported by findings that people who exemplify moral behavior tend to place more importance on moral traits when defining their self-concepts (Colby & Damon, 1995). This paper takes the next step of examining individual variation in a construct highly (...)
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  27. Is it Wrong to Criminalize and Punish Psychopaths?Andrea L. Glenn, Adrian Raine & William S. Laufer - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):302-304.
    Increasing evidence from psychology and neuroscience suggests that emotion plays an important and sometimes critical role in moral judgment and moral behavior. At the same time, there is increasing psychological and neuroscientific evidence that brain regions critical in emotional and moral capacity are impaired in psychopaths. We ask how the criminal law should accommodate these two streams of research, in light of a new normative and legal account of the criminal responsibility of psychopaths.
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  28. Evolutionary debunking arguments and the proximate/ultimate distinction.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2015 - Analysis 75 (2):196-203.
    Many philosophers believe that natural selection explanations debunk our moral beliefs or would do so if moral realism were true, relying on the assumption that explanations of this kind show that moral facts play no role in explaining human moral beliefs. Here I argue that this assumption rests on a confusion of proximate and ultimate explanatory factors. Insofar as evolutionary debunking arguments hinge on the assumption that moral facts play no role in explaining human moral beliefs, these arguments fall short.
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  29. (1 other version)The Hinge of History Hypothesis: Reply to MacAskill.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2023 - Analysis 84 (1):47-55.
    Some believe that the current era is uniquely important with respect to how well the rest of human history goes. Following Parfit, call this the Hinge of History Hypothesis. Recently, MacAskill has argued that our era is actually very unlikely to be especially influential in the way asserted by the Hinge of History Hypothesis. I respond to MacAskill, pointing to important unresolved ambiguities in his proposed definition of what it means for a time to be influential and criticizing the two (...)
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    Modeling the left digit effect in adult number line estimation.Andrea L. Patalano, Kelsey Kayton & Hilary Barth - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105257.
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    Taste ratings of obese people, and taste preferences based on geographical location.Andrea L. Gerding & Lawrence Weinstein - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):509-510.
  32.  95
    Changing Structures in Midstream: Learning Along the Statistical Garden Path.Andrea L. Gebhart, Richard N. Aslin & Elissa L. Newport - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):1087-1116.
    Previous studies of auditory statistical learning have typically presented learners with sequential structural information that is uniformly distributed across the entire exposure corpus. Here we present learners with nonuniform distributions of structural information by altering the organization of trisyllabic nonsense words at midstream. When this structural change was unmarked by low‐level acoustic cues, or even when cued by a pitch change, only the first of the two structures was learned. However, both structures were learned when there was an explicit cue (...)
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    Procreation by Cloning: Crafting Anticipatory Guidelines.Andrea L. Bonnicksen - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (4):273-282.
    To clone humans is deliberately to generate two or more individuals who share the same nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid. Using animals, researchers have performed two basic types of cloning that will eventually yield commercial benefits. Embryo twinning involves separating the individual cells of an embryo and allowing each to cleave for later transfer to a uterus. Cloning by nuclear transfer involves removing the nuclei from embryonic cells or fetal or adult somatic cells and fusing those nuclei with enucleated donor egg cells. (...)
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    An ontology for enterprise and information systems modelling.Andreas L. Opdahl, Giuseppe Berio, Mounira Harzallah & Raimundas Matulevičius - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (1):49-92.
    The Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) aims to support precise semantic definition of a wide variety of enterprise- and IS-modelling languages. In the longer run, it is also intended as a...
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    Graffiti Writing as Creative Activism: Getting Up, Sheeplike Subversion, and Everyday Resistance.Andrea L. Baldini - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):239-249.
    Is graffiti writing creative activism? In this paper, I challenge commonly held beliefs that graffiti writing is politically inert. On the contrary, I argue that graffiti writing is an example of creative activism. Rather than being a narcissistic form of vandalism, primarily directed at increasing one’s fame in front of an esoteric group, that is, fellow writers, writing is a form of everyday resistance allowing its practitioners to challenge authoritarian power. In questioning dominant hierarchies, graffiti is a powerful tool to (...)
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    How ecumenical expressivism confuses the trivial and the substantive.Andreas L. Mogensen - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):666-674.
    I argue that there are cases in which ecumenical expressivism cannot distinguish between endorsement of certain trivial and substantive normative judgments. I consider the extent to which this problem generalizes across different formulations of the ecumenical view. I suggest that we may not be able to escape the problem if we hope to retain the ability to solve the Frege-Geach problem in the way promised by ecumenical expressivism.
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    Author Reply: Vitacco, Erickson, and Lishner: Holding Psychopaths Morally and Criminally Culpable.Andrea L. Glenn, William S. Laufer & Adrian Raine - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):426-427.
    Psychopathy is characterized by pronounced emotional deficits, yet individuals with psychopathic traits generally understand the law and the likely punishments for violating it. Vitacco, Erickson, and Lishner (2013) suggest that because of this appreciation, there is no question that psychopaths are criminally responsible. We make the modest argument that increasing psychological and neurological evidence calls into question whether conventional assumptions about an offender’s culpable states of mind hold true for psychopaths. It is likely, we suggest, that a wide range of (...)
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  38.  13
    Aristote illustré: représentations du corps et schématisation dans la biologie aristotélicienne.Andrea L. Carbone - 2011 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Ce livre propose une interprétation inédite de la biologie d'Aristote. Il montre que, dans la démarche aristotélicienne, à côté de la pensée discursive, oeuvre une pensée visuelle qui élabore une représentation de l'organisation spatiale du corps vivant, apportant ainsi une contribution décisive à la définition des deux tâches majeures de l'enquête scientifique aristotélicienne: l'explication causale et la détermination des genres.
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  39.  48
    Ethical and Policy Issues in Human Embryo Twinning.Andrea L. Bonnicksen - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):268.
    In 1993, investigators from George Washington University Medical Center separated the cells of 17 human embryos and produced 48 embryos, an average of three embryos for each original. The method, variously called twinning, cloning, embryo splitting, and blastomere separation, demonstrated that human embryos could be split to create genetically identical entities during conception. When publicized, however, the experiment brought to mind a different view of cloning repeated since the beginning of the new reproductive technologies. In the early 1970s, when research (...)
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  40.  44
    When do genetic researchers have a duty to recontact study participants?Christopher H. Wade & Andrea L. Kalfoglou - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):26 – 27.
  41. Associations between psychopathic traits and brain activity during instructed false responding.Andrea L. Glenn, Hyemin Han, Yaling Yang, Adrian Raine & Robert A. Schug - 2017 - Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 266:123-137.
    Lying is one of the characteristic features of psychopathy, and has been recognized in clinical and diagnostic descriptions of the disorder, yet individuals with psychopathic traits have been found to have reduced neural activity in many of the brain regions that are important for lying. In this study, we examine brain activity in sixteen individuals with varying degrees of psychopathic traits during a task in which they are instructed to falsify information or tell the truth about autobiographical and non-autobiographical facts, (...)
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  42.  49
    Alternative strategies of categorization.Edward E. Smith, Andrea L. Patalano & John Jonides - 1998 - Cognition 65 (2-3):167-196.
  43.  48
    A Precautionary Approach to Oocyte Donation for Stem Cell Nuclear Transplantation.Andrea L. Kalfoglou & Mark V. Sauer - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (9):31-33.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 9, Page 31-33, September 2011.
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    Navigating conflict of interest in oocyte donation.Andrea L. Kalfoglou - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):1 – 2.
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  45.  41
    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Philosophy of Street Art.Andrea L. Baldini - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (3):e12907.
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    Introduction: Symposium on the Role of Aesthetics in Debating Culinary Cultural Heritage.Andrea L. Baldini - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    Philosophers have recently paid increasing attention to the aesthetic and artistic worth of food (Korsmeyer 2005, 1999; Kuhen 2005; Monroe 2007; Myhrvold 2011.
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    Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine: The case of Amelia Norman.John T. Parry & Andrea L. Hibbard - manuscript
    This article examines the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who was acquitted - very much against the weight of the evidence - of attempting to kill the man who seduced her. In particular, we explore the role in the trial and its aftermath of the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's "The Coquette" and Susanna Rowson's "Charlotte Temple." In Norman's case, once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as (...)
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    The occasional triumph of the moral sentiments over legal technicalities: Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine.Andrea L. Hibbard & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Our paper explores how the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's The Coquette and Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple informed the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who attempted to kill the man who seduced her. Once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as Lydia Maria Child recast the defendant as a sentimental heroine, the trial became about seduction, and Norman was acquitted against the weight of the evidence. Sentimental novels (...)
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    The effects of trait and state anxiety on attention to emotional images: An eye-tracking study.Leanne Quigley, Andrea L. Nelson, Jonathan Carriere, Daniel Smilek & Christine Purdon - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1390-1411.
  50.  19
    Eliciting good teaching from humans for machine learners.Maya Cakmak & Andrea L. Thomaz - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217 (C):198-215.
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